About Us

Our story

Sawmill Pljachkovica, for over 50 years has been one of the leading companies in the lumber industry. Its beginnings date since 1954, with the production of wooden footwear. Later, the main activity of sawmill Pljachkovica becomes the production of cut lumber. After, in 1991 it was taken over by the current (successor), who expanded the offer with production of high quality and unique products under the name – “Artumwood“. Lead by the passion for exceptional materials, superior craftsmanship and quality, we create furniture with a modern style and uniqueness. Proud of our tradition of quality and successful operations, sawmill Pljachkovica continues to follow the need and requests of its clients.

Our products?

Our products are unique, with varying design, because each wood is different and requires a different approach, processing and touch. We use epoxy resin to fill each crack or open knot, making the surface smooth and consistent yet keeping the appearance rustic with a natural finish.

We offer the best service in the industry

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